It is a well known fact in the film industry that Amitabh Bachchan and Rajinikanth are good friends and the Hindi films the super star featured are all mostly with the big B. Rajini’s younger daughter Soundarya through her Ochre studios has plans to make films and Gautham Vasudev Menon will be directing one of them. It has been said that Soundarya was
keen to cast Amitabh in Gautham’s film and she was to meet the actor in Mumbai to discuss this.
But unfortunately, Amitabh fell ill and is hospitalized. With the sudden turn of unforeseen events, it is expected that the meeting will happen once he recovers completely.
keen to cast Amitabh in Gautham’s film and she was to meet the actor in Mumbai to discuss this.
But unfortunately, Amitabh fell ill and is hospitalized. With the sudden turn of unforeseen events, it is expected that the meeting will happen once he recovers completely.