The hundredth day celebration of Subramaniapuram was held yesterday at Sathyam cinemas. The function was attended by directors Ameer, Gautham Menon, Karu Pazhaniappan and Sasikumar, actors Jai, Swathy and music director James Vasanthan along with many others. While talking at the function Ameer was fondly
discussing about the legacy of his view finder. He said that he is using a view finder which was given to him by his mentor Bala to whom the same was passed on by his guru Balu Mahendra who in turn got it from his guru. He told Sasikumar that though he got this view finder after completing three good films, he does not want to make him wait for that long and will give the same to Sasi after he records one more hit.
When director Sasi got up to speak he said, “Although I’m very happy that Subramaniapuram ran to packed houses for 100 days all over Tamil Nadu, I feel bad that such success was not felt in my home town Madurai.” When talking about Ameer in a joyous mood, he quipped, “It is very difficult to get appreciation from Ameer. He would always be finding faults even with the best of scenes and I always call him Marthandam Pillai from the famous character of Gemini Ganesan in the film Unnal Mudiyum Thambi from whom good accolade is a rarity
discussing about the legacy of his view finder. He said that he is using a view finder which was given to him by his mentor Bala to whom the same was passed on by his guru Balu Mahendra who in turn got it from his guru. He told Sasikumar that though he got this view finder after completing three good films, he does not want to make him wait for that long and will give the same to Sasi after he records one more hit.
When director Sasi got up to speak he said, “Although I’m very happy that Subramaniapuram ran to packed houses for 100 days all over Tamil Nadu, I feel bad that such success was not felt in my home town Madurai.” When talking about Ameer in a joyous mood, he quipped, “It is very difficult to get appreciation from Ameer. He would always be finding faults even with the best of scenes and I always call him Marthandam Pillai from the famous character of Gemini Ganesan in the film Unnal Mudiyum Thambi from whom good accolade is a rarity