The theatre owners in Madurai are an agitated lot these days, as the compensation package announced by Rajinikanth, producers Kavithalaya and Pyramid Saimira did not reach them as promised. Speaking to the media about this, Annamalai said the distributors in Madurai, Ramanathapuram, Nellai, Kanyakumari and Salem did not get
the amount so far, while those including Coimbatore, Chengalpet, South and North Arcot have been paid. He added that there was no proper response either from Rajinikanth or Kavithalaya.
According to Annamalai, the affected theatre owners are planning an agitation to stress their demands. Meanwhile, sources close to Rajini and Kavithalaya insist that the payments will be made by Pyramid Saimira and they are awaiting the release of the settlement amount from them.
the amount so far, while those including Coimbatore, Chengalpet, South and North Arcot have been paid. He added that there was no proper response either from Rajinikanth or Kavithalaya.
According to Annamalai, the affected theatre owners are planning an agitation to stress their demands. Meanwhile, sources close to Rajini and Kavithalaya insist that the payments will be made by Pyramid Saimira and they are awaiting the release of the settlement amount from them.