Endhiran’s shooting is currently taking place in Chennai, confirms our sources. It is said that Shankar is filming a few important scenes in the northern parts of Chennai and the locations are kept so secret that the crew are not aware of the shooting spot even a day prior.
Interestingly, Rajini is also trying
to mask himself in anonymity and is adopting various new techniques to get away from the fans and bystanders. It is well known in film circles that the Superstar prefers and uses either an Ambassador or Fiat car. In an attempt to conceal his identity, Rajini is off late spotted seen using a Toyota Qualis.
Interestingly, Rajini is also trying
to mask himself in anonymity and is adopting various new techniques to get away from the fans and bystanders. It is well known in film circles that the Superstar prefers and uses either an Ambassador or Fiat car. In an attempt to conceal his identity, Rajini is off late spotted seen using a Toyota Qualis.